is an R package that enables
lines drawn by hand on maps to be converted to spatial objects. The
package has two primary functions: one for producing maps, and one for
rectifying hand-drawn lines to the coordinate system of the original
map. The package is intended for use in social surveys and similar
endeavours in which hand-drawn markings on maps need to be converted to
spatial objects. Maps can be either paper- or screen-based. Markings on
paper maps need to be scanned, photographed, or otherwise digitised,
while maps with screen-based markings need to be saved as
- or .pdf
-format images.
The package is designed to enable the following workflow:
Generate a map with the ms_generate_map()
function, which automatically produces both .pdf
Either print the .pdf
version to use as desired in
any kind of survey environment, or use either the .pdf
versions in digital form for screen-based
Draw on the map;
For paper maps, digitise the drawn-on (from here on, “modified”)
map, converting it to either .pdf
or .png
format; and
Rectify the modified version against the original via the ms_rectify_map()
function, which distinguishes individual annotations, and converts each
one to a spatial object able to be analysed in any desired
The mapscanner
package is intended to aid a
practical workflow, and so a few practical tips may be
recommended here to ensure best results:
are necessary to rectify subsequently drawn-on and scanned maps, and so
must be retained at all times.type = "hulls"
argument should work even when lines are not
closed, the type = "polygons"
argument will generally
produce more accurate results, yet should only be used when all lines
form closed polygons (see below for details on how these two
differ).The following two sections describe the two primary functions of the
package, corresponding to the two primary steps
of producing maps to be used in surveys (or other activities), and
rectifying modified maps against these originals in order to extract
spatial objects. The second of these sections also describes the kinds
of markings able to be recognised, and the kinds of spatial objects to
which these may be converted.
Map generation with mapscanner
requires a personal token
or key from mapbox
which can be obtained by following the links from
If you already have a token, the easiest way to use it with
is to create (or edit) a file
, and insert a line,
This will then be available every time you start R, without any need
to explicitly set the token each time you want to use the package. The
token may be given any unique name that includes “mapbox” (case
insensitive). Alternatively, if you wish to keep your token truly
private, and only use it for your current R session, you may load
, and then run
Having obtained and set a mapbox
token as
described above, the ms_generate_map()
function can be used to generate printable maps for a specified bounding
box in both .pdf
and .png
formats. Usage is a
simple as,
ms_generate_map ("chennai india", mapname = "chennai")
## Successfully generated 'chennai.pdf' and 'chennai.png'
The two generated maps are saved in the current working directory
). To save maps in alternative locations, the
parameter can optionally specify paths. To provide
finer control over the scales of maps, precise bounding boxes can also
be submitted. To determine desired bounding boxes, we recommend using
the ‘’
website, zooming to a desired area, then clicking the “Export”
button. A window will appear which includes the bounding coordinates of
the current screen. Even finer control can be gained by clicking beneath
this coordinate window on the line which says, “Manually select a
different area,” which brings a drag-able rectangle onto the current
screen. The coordinates in the bounding box then simply need to be
entered in to the bbox
parameter of ms_generate_map()
in the order (xmin
, ymin
, xmax
) – or anti-clockwise from the left-hand
The amount of detail in resultant maps is controlled by the
argument, with larger values producing more
detail, and resulting in larger file sizes. The default value of
max_tiles = 16L
(where the L
symbol tells
to treat the value as an integer) should produce
acceptable results for maps extending across hundreds of metres to a few
kilometres. Smaller-scale maps may require higher values, and
vice-versa. Map generation is relatively fast, and so different values
can be readily trialled.
Maps are generated in two formats, because the .pdf
version will generally be the most convenient for printing, while the
version should be retained as the “master” copy against
which to rectify subsequently scanned-in version. Behind the scenes, the
function downloads a series of vector map tiles from mapbox, and converts them to a
object from the raster
package. This rasterBrick
object is invisibly returned
from the function:
x <- ms_generate_map ("chennai india", mapname = "chennai")
## Successfully generated 'chennai.pdf' and 'chennai.png'
## class : RasterBrick
## dimensions : 1147, 562, 644614, 3 (nrow, ncol, ncell, nlayers)
## resolution : 38.21851, 38.21851 (x, y)
## extent : 8921157, 8942635, 1442787, 1486624 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
## crs : +proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0 +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +k=1 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs
## source : memory
## names : index_1.1, index_1.2, index_1.3
## min values : 107, 107, 107
## max values : 254, 254, 254
This rasterBrick
object contains raster information for
the three colour channels of the image, and so may also be used for
immediate viewing within R with
Standard uses of the package should not need to explicitly access or
modify these data, but it is nevertheless possible to do so, and then
use a custom-modified object to produce the external .pdf
and .png
files by submitting the rasterBrick
object to ms_generate_map()
ms_generate_map (raster_brick = x, mapname = "chennai")
Having produced digital maps using the ms_generate_map()
function as described above, and having printed, variously drawn-on,
and, for paper maps, scanned the result back in to digital form, the
package can then be used to rectify the hand-drawn markings against the
original map with the ms_rectify_map()
function, which returns the drawn-on objects as spatial objects in Simple Features
) format. The only requirement is that the drawn-on
objects are coloured; black or grey objects will be ignored. As
described above, this has the advantage that maps may be annotated in
ways not intended to be converted to spatial objects (such as adding
unique identification or participant codes), through simply providing
such annotations in grey or black.
The ms_rectify_map()
function has two primary arguments, specifying the names (and locations)
of the original and modified map files – in that order:
ms_rectify_map(original, modified)
. These files should
ideally be in .png
formats, but will be auto-converted from
if needed. The package comes with two sample maps,
both in .png
format. The first is the reference version
needed for rectification, while the second has two red lines drawn upon